I feel so happy to introduce you to our Women of Sensual Seed conversation with Franziska Stahmann. Franziska began her journey of personal and spiritual development over twenty years ago when, on her travels through Asia, she discovered the transformative practice of meditation. From then on, she attended silence retreats across the continent, as well as retreats in Europe and Australia.
Continuing along her path, she discovered an interest in living and healing, and learned the techniques of Reiki. Still searching for answers, she felt drawn to flower essences and their healing powers. She began researching vibrational medicine and felt called to develop a range of essences that combined the potent energies of both flowers and crystals. She then trained as a flower essence practitioner to expand her knowledge and practical skills.
Her life is now dedicated to assisting empathic women to awaken their hidden potential and purpose to find inner peace and deeper connections with self and others. Discover more about Franziska’s life and loves in this conversation.
Where do you live and what do you love about living there?
I live on the Gold Coast, Australia, in the Eco Village which is a beautiful part of the Gold Coast hinterland. I always had a strong love for nature and enjoy beautiful, peaceful and nature connected surroundings. This is what I find here.
How do you begin your day?
If I have enough time before I get the kids to school, I like to start with a meditation or writing in my gratitude diary. Sometimes I fit it in after the kids have gone. I then walk or ride my bike out in nature as it is essential for me before I start work. I gotta be honest, I love a coffee in the morning to charge me up for the day!
What is your favourite season?
I absolutely love Spring, and Autumn is not far behind. Spring signifies for me the coming alive of so many beautiful things, like flowers. As a flower essence creator and practitioner, I am in awe watching flowers pop up everywhere. Somehow I feel the temperature is just right these times of the year.
What is one thing that might surprise people about you?
At the age of 22 I had one of my first big awakenings, I saw and felt beings from the other side. I believe I could from birth, but suppressed it for a long time. My whole life has its own mystery to it. I grew up in the eastern part of Germany in a communist country. I started travelling overseas at age 21 and left my home country for good at the age 24 to live in Australia. I overcame post natal depression naturally. With becoming a mum, it was the trigger point for me to find my direction and purpose in life after a long haul of soul searching.
Share one defining moment in your life
So many! Through my meditation practise, experiencing moments of timelessness. Coming out of depression was huge for me and finding my way back to myself and who I really was deep down inside of me. Becoming a mum has had such a big impact in my life. I feel the kids have put me on my path.
What does sensuality mean to you?
Being open and engaging with another. Being in flow. Melting in each others energy and experiencing a form of bliss. Finding that deeper connection with what opens the door to a deeper way of living.
What is your favourite Sensual Seed oracle card?
Dream: When we allow ourselves to dream and believe that it is possible, amazing new doors can open. Having that positive mindset and expecting it to happen can call so many people and things into your life. Being reminded of that in our human existence I see as so important.
You can connect with Franziska here:
Facebook: Franziska Stahman
Instagram: the_intuitive_guide