Embrace your Sacred Self. Your body is the temple of your beautiful Soul.

Let go of all feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. You are a magnificent child of the Universe. Do not feel lonely because you are surrounded by all of creation. You are beautiful, you are perfect. Love is all you deserve.

Transform all limiting beliefs into total acceptance of your Self. Allow all self-criticism to turn into total self-love. There is nothing else out there you need at the moment. The ocean of contentment is within. The love you seek outside flows from the ocean of your own heart. As you embrace your Sacred Self, you connect with the Divine within. In such a state, love flows naturally and effortlessly.

Let the purity of your Soul shine. All those who come near you shall be uplifted. As you heal yourself, those around you shall be healed. As you love yourself, everyone around you shall be loved.

Embrace your Sacred Self. Boundless Grace shall flow to you and through you. Always remember that the light of your spirit is brighter than any darkness that may come near you.

The magnanimity of the Universe is greater than any setback you may be currently experiencing. The whole Universe is within you and you have the power to create everything you desire. As you embrace your Sacred Self, all your dreams shall manifest!

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