Your true essence is pure Divinity. You are a Goddess in manifestation.

A very long time ago, you expressed the desire to experience life as a human. You were timeless, you were joyous, you were a pure spark of Universal Consciousness. But when you came into this world, a state of amnesia began to set in as you got more and more involved with the ‘Reality’ of this plane of existence. The ‘Reality’ of this world is only an illusion. Think about it, does this ‘Reality’ exist in the eight hours that you are asleep? If it is not permanent and stable, then how can it be ‘Real.’ Awaken to the Truth of your essence. You are a Goddess; you are the Divine Feminine in manifestation.

Live your life with the knowledge and recognition of this Truth. Do not run after things that are not going to matter in the end. Is it really going to matter whether you went to business school or not, is it really going to matter that your neighbour was rude to you on some days, is it really going to matter that you did not receive a pay hike every single year in a row.

What is it that really matters? There is only one thing worth pursuing, only one thing worth having, only one thing worth giving; and that is pure unconditional love. Take time to meditate every day in order to connect with your essence. Make time for it, even if you feel you don’t have any. Soon you will realise that it is the most important gift you can give yourself.

By meditating, you make time for inner reflection. You release that which does not serve you and allow that which matters to grow in your Self. In meditation, you connect with the Divinity within, thereby, transforming yourself into a receptacle of pure unconditional love. As your being begins to radiate with such profound love; the world around you shifts, the people around you transform. And you, of course, become more joyous, more peaceful, and more loving. Make time to experience and remain in your true essence. All the successes that you wish for in the material world shall come to you!

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