Like most women, do you set goals and then you struggle with pursuing them?
I know that I personally struggle with this. I realised a while ago that the masculine approach to goal-setting doesn’t really work for women.
The feminine approach is more intuitive than it is logical or methodical. It’s all about tuning into your own inner wisdom and doing what it guides you to do.
Once you stop judging yourself for not being consistent with how you think you should be pursuing your goals, it will become easier for you to achieve those goals.
Some days you really do need to take things easy. Other days, you might want to go full-throttle.
You should get worried only if you remain stuck in inertia for long periods of time. As long as you are moving forward (however slow your progress might be), you are doing well.
Allow the divine feminine to guide you every step of the way.
And if you’re still struggling to listen to your inner voice, I would highly recommend getting your own deck of Sensual Seed oracle cards. Whenever I’m lost or my mind is too overwhelmed with thoughts, I allow these cards to talk to me. I have never been disappointed, and I’m sure you won’t be either.
For more personalised guidance and support on embodying the feminine approach to goal-setting, I invite you to get in touch and together let’s chat about your frustrations. Simply book a call here.