Meet the Creator

Christine Ford – Creator of Sensual Seed
Christine Ford is a Professional Counsellor, Hypnotherapist and the creator of Sensual Seed Oracle Card Deck.
It is through Christine’s own journey of total self-acceptance and healing that inspired the creation of Sensual Seed Oracle Card Deck to help her heal from a personal crisis. Looking back, this event took her life in a new direction as she began to connect with her authentic Feminine Power.
Christine completed a Diploma in Professional Counselling so that she could understand herself better. She felt deeply motivated to find out how she could help others with a tool more powerful than traditional ‘talk therapy’. That’s when she started researching and experiencing hypnotherapy and became convinced that this powerful tool was the perfect accompaniment to her life work.
Christine has continued exploring the world of metaphysics and healing to find the answers that she was looking for but could not find in traditional wisdom. In the process, she came across and used many oracle card decks. She felt comforted by how powerful they were yet was disappointed to not find any centred around feminine power, self-care and sensuality.
That’s when Christine knew she had to create one! Read her story here.
You can connect with Christine on Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest.

Amanda Kennedy – Artist
Amanda Kennedy is an emerging visual artist who primarily paints on canvas. Growing up with art being highly encouraged, it was through school life drawing classes that she fell in love with the vitality of the human body. After throwing herself into her art career only recently, she has participated in some group exhibitions around Melbourne and more recently had a solo show at Montsalvat in Eltham. Her split life between outer suburbia and inner city Melbourne stimulates her to expand her artistic wings further. Of late, this includes delving into watercolours, oils and soft sculpture.
“I have a genuine visceral need to create, to paint, to play. I can’t not do it. Life is always better when I don’t fight this need. I paint human bodies. We’ve all got one and they are all different. They vary from day to day even for one person. This diversity is part of why I imagine I’ll never tire of the subject matter. I’m attracted to strong images. I often don’t know quite where I’m going when I start a piece. All I know is that there is a strong image that demands my attention. My pieces are representative of the vital energies and passions that I see in each human body.”
Read Amanda’s Reflection on the Sensual Seed Project here.

Ankita Singh – Author
Ankita is a self-help and motivational author dedicated to making a difference through the wisdom of her own experiences. She lives her talk and walks her talk, taking pride in defying convention to chase after and materialise all her big and small dreams.
Totally dedicated and motivated to live her own life to the fullest, she has broken out of the illusory traps of security to do everything she has ever wanted to do; whether it is traveling to the remote Himalayas and living in a spiritual hermitage for a month or quitting a stable nine-to-five job to follow her calling in life to inspire other people through her own example and learning using the power of words.
Along with a natural zeal and enthusiasm for life, she is quick to laughter and has a deep passion for health and fitness. Owing to her keen interest in making life better in every possible way, she also holds certifications in alternative wellness modalities like Yoga, Meditation, EFT, Silva Mind Technique and Reiki.
You can connect with Ankita via email:

Merryn Padgett – Graphic Designer
Merryn helps change-makers find brand nirvana & launch with impact. Through a human-centred approach to design, Merryn crafts an image that is congruent with her client’s mission, values & purpose. She creates magical user experiences that are all about cultivating a positive impact & loves helping her clients leave a legacy in this world.
Merryn first discovered the importance of maintaining inner peace following a personal crisis in her early twenties. This sparked the beginning of a health and wellness transformation and translated to becoming a Reiki Master/Teacher, Zenith Omega Healer, Holistic Counsellor & Community Welfare Worker.
You can view Merryn’s graphic design work here.
Praise for Sensual Seed Oracle Cards
Sensual Seed came dancing into my life when I began facilitating Qoya circles for women. It was as though Qoya and Sensual Seed were two spirits that entwined together creating a powerful, ancient medicine for women remembering the power of their divine feminine. I just love and adore using the cards in my daily ritual when seeking for higher guidance and clarity. When I use the cards during my women’s sharing circles, the spirit of Sensual Seed forever comes with a potent deep knowing of providing exactly what each woman needs to receive in that moment! I love that Sensual Seed brings me back into this present moment, when I can pause and come back into my body and live from a place of feeling rather than thinking. Each card’s message guides me back to my heart and when I can begin to feel safe and in my feminine energy and flow with ease reminding me everything is going to be ok.
Breeza Love |